Build Muscle - Do You Need to Eat 'Clean' to Build Muscle

You already know what it takes to build muscle - more calories! It is impossible for the body to build muscle unless you feed the raw materials needed to absorb new muscle tissue. So as you can expect to build a house without bricks, you can not expect to build muscle without food.

Now with this, many of those looking to build muscle stuck in the atmosphere all the food you need to eat to be absolutely "clean". By clean, we mean physically as healthy as possible.

Sugary cereals? - No way! Burgers more than 20 grams of fat - ever! They can even choose to go with skim milk instead of 1% or 2% to avoid the accumulation of body fat.

While it is good to want to be healthy, when building muscle, you do not really need to take it to that extreme.

Protein intake

The first thing you should absolutely consider in your diet is protein intake. Are you getting enough? Otherwise, it is not to optimize your results. Aim for one gram per kilogram of body weight - not less.

This will give your body the amino acids that will create new muscle tissue.


Potentially, the area where you can have more "fun" when it comes to your bodybuilding diet is carbohydrates. Do you think should exist in rice, whole wheat pasta screams, all bran cereal, dry oats, and the odd slice of whole grain bread? If so, you're wrong.

The thing about carbohydrates is that while building muscles, you will eat in a calorie surplus, so hunger will not really be a big problem for you.

For dieters, yes, he will want to continue with this type of carbohydrates, as they are released more slowly in the body and prevent hunger is known. With you, the person who wants to build muscle, hunger is actually a good thing because it will help you get the calories you need to win

In addition, you get those calories becomes increasingly difficult when you try to do it in oatmeal.

So do not be afraid to have "bad" carbs there, especially during the post-training. A post-workout meal is highly recommended among the best coaches, myself included, are ice cream sandwiches. That's right - ice cream. They are relatively low in fat and contain a good source of sugar, which is exactly what you need in the post-workout period.


The final consideration is micronutrient dietary fat. With this, you want to focus a little more on making sure not to take too much trans fat, because they have a very negative impact on your overall health.

Poly to or more sources of monounsaturated's smarter to achieve the level of optimal health.

With saturated, not completely escape the diet because some saturated fat helps to increase testosterone, which is something you definitely need fat.

Just do not take loads or as a diet rich in saturated fat is also associated with heart disease and other serious illnesses.

So next time someone invites you to eat and you're worried about going because the food will not be completely "clean", less stress. While you are meeting your protein needs and the food you eat is usually pretty good health, "fun" food certainly will not hurt your progress.

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