Men and Muscles: Fatal Attraction

Muscles attract men like lipsticks attract women - they just have to have them and most men spend many hours in muscle building gym. Although sometimes it may seem strange for the ladies, to let your men have their way.

It is common knowledge that men have a greater lean body better than - the power and girls. Studies show that the big guys just have more confidence that skinny and that is why many children are eager to go to the gym.

In addition, men tend to believe that because more muscle gets its way in the world of a man, but also assume that muscles attract women the same way. Unfortunately, not all women like muscular men.

Ways to build muscle: Exercise and diet

Bodybuilding requires dedication and understanding, people need to understand how the body works. Without the right idea on how to build muscle, hours of gymnastics and food may seem absurd vigilante.

What to eat to build muscles fast

When you lift weights and you want that to happen quickly, the words: "You are what you eat" is more important than ever. With exercise, you can build more muscle by eating the right kinds of foods and eat more often unlike before.

Although we will not hesitate to say that the protein is what you need to eat more during this time, it would be wrong to say that you should just be the kind of food to eat.

Proteins are the most important food groups, where building muscle is concerned. To build muscle, you should eat plenty of foods rich in protein and poor.

chicken breast
Salmon or mackerel
lean meat
cottage cheese
Low-fat yogurt
Cashews or

Carbohydrates may seem strange when muscle gain is concerned, but actually plays a key role in the whole process. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy and exercise to increase muscle mass, more carbohydrates are needed to fuel the body.

brown rice
Potatoes in the oven

Fat can not be ignored when cultured muscle, because it is important for metabolism. Improve fat resistance and has trained more, eliminating most of the symptoms of training.

Fish oil
olive oil
Oil virgin coconut
Peanut Butter

How to build muscle through exercise:

The key to gaining muscle is to start your routine slowly. Even if you want to build muscles fast, you can not rush your body to it. Dream body with an intense workout will only lead to aches.

1 weightlifting. The purpose of lifting weights is to increase body strength and grow muscles. The idea is that the closer you are, the more muscle you build. Some exercises that you can do the strength training are:

Bench Press
dead weight

. 2 compound exercises: coordinated exercises that use multiple muscle groups. This type of exercise to build muscle quickly and simultaneously improve athletic ability.

bicep curls

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