Your muscles and liver glycogen stores only a limited amount that must be replaced after each workout. Endurance athletes may worry that "hitting the wall" or feel very tired before finishing. When this happens, they are out of glycogen.That is that our muscles use to grow and gain strength for be able to do more repetitions!
The more glycogen you store, the more you can last in the weightlifting and grow bigger and bigger muscles exercises. Loading carbohydrates (glycogen or load) can help "save" two or three times more glycogen in the muscles for prolonged activity. Loading carbs will not make you pedal harder or run faster. But it can help you to take more time before tiring.
How can "charge" your muscles to grow bigger and if you are an endurance athlete? Combine training, rest, and eat more carbohydrates.
How can you avoid ... "hit the wall"? When endurance athletes short of glucose to grow bigger and bigger muscles, they are too tired to continue exercising. To maintain the supply for as long as possible for endurance on a regular diet rich in carbohydrates sports. Take a glass of sport if your workout lasts an hour or more. Eat a snack rich in high carbohydrates immediately after, when your body can store . glycogen at a faster regular physical training also helps to grow pace, your muscles gradually adapt to store more glycogen for intense workouts.
Start one week before the endurance test. The first day (six days ago), a normal level of muscle glycogen depleted they work train. For the next two days (four to five days in advance) reduce the formation relax the muscles so that they can "re-actions" muscle glycogen grow older. During these four to six days to come, a normal diet mixed with 5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of weight.
For three days before the event, reduce training and gradually increase your calories from carbohydrates and 10 grams of carbohydrates per day per kilogram of body weight, without increasing the total calories. Enjoy "carbs" complex, or starches. Rest (no exercise) on the eve of competition.Recently researchers have tried to simulate the load of carbohydrates with a brief session of high-intensity exercise, then a day or two "foods high in carbohydrates. further research is needed to see if it works for extra storage muscle glycogen to push bigger and bigger muscles.
They generally have more muscle, their bodies are better able to store extra glycogen. Athletes, "weekend", "casual" or and those involved in sports that do not require prolonged endurance, you should not expect the same results grow. A good way to train the muscle is subjected to weightlifting. The only way to increase muscle mass by storing glycogen in your system.
What sport should you "carbohydrate loading" for? If you are a trained athlete in the process of becoming bigger, try either for endurance events such as marathons and triathlons longer than four minutes, or the event day, the swimming competitions, a series of tennis matches, distance cycling or football games. for shorter events, a rich normal approximation to eat enough carbohydrates to glycogen supplies grow bigger muscles and bigger.
Warning: carbohydrate loading is not recommended for school-age children or adolescents increasingly large and they need healthy nutrients. If you have diabetes or high blood triglycerides, talk to your doctor and dietician before trying this diet.
Fat also feeds the working muscles going up. In fact, it is a more concentrated source of energy. And perform other body functions, such as transportation of fat soluble vitamins and provide essential fatty acids. For good health, eat the fat as a fuel source. Instead of trying to just eat "fat", be smart: low in saturated fat and trans fat, and moderate fat intake.
For energy, fat helps to electricity longer term, such as hiking or running a marathon. Since the fat is not converted into energy as quickly as carbohydrates, fats jets faster than energy return a tennis serve or execute a courtyard of 100 light bulbs.
Unlike glycogen, fat needs oxygen for energy metabolism. This is why endurance sports, fueled in part by fat, are called aerobic activities. "Aerobic" means with oxygen, and aerobic activities help to grow and requires continuous supply of oxygen. The more you train to grow, breathe more easily during the longest activity; oxygen you take helps to convert fat into energy.
No matter where it comes from carbohydrates, protein or fat your body stores the extra energy as fat. These fat deposits provide energy to grow aerobic activity. Even if you are thin, you probably have enough fat reserves to fuel prolonged endurance activity or the fastest growing healthy. You do not have to eat more fat!
Tips for growing athletes size is the same as that of all healthy individuals: a diet low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. To get enough calories for the sport, but not too fat, 20 to 35 percent of total calories from fat is a good guide online. Most of their food energy should come from carbohydrates. With a high fat diet your intake of carbohydrates or proteins may fall short. Less than 15 percent of calories from fat does not provide enough calories or enough for other health functions of fats, especially those involved in endurance sports. Obtain sufficient essential fatty acids is also important for growing taller, the overall performance of the performance of health and technology.
Athletes who consume very little fat, often to maintain weight and low body fat may be at risk from a lack of food energy; Young athletes are more and more at a very low fat diet can not consume enough essential fatty acids for normal growth and development. For the highest female athletes often dancers, gymnasts, skaters and a very low fat diet may interfere with the menstrual cycle, with implications for health throughout life.
What is a good plan of action?
Do you need to reduce fat? If this is the case, more food energy carbohydrates that could really help you develop bigger and bigger muscles. Remember that fat is not stored as muscle glycogen; "Carbs" are. Here is a strategy to reduce fat and the highest growth by increasing carbohydrates: Eating a baked potato more often than fries. Place fat calories do not eat potato chips with a slice of bread, a rich source of nutrients "carbohydrates" again.
For endurance 90 minutes or more activities, bar or drink before exercise (or even at an event) sweet snack (energy) can improve your endurance. Gradually his way to the muscles bigger and bigger as glycogen stores are used to grow. Fig bars, graham crackers, bananas and raisins also work. Drink water with these snacks.
Keep your snack or drink low: no more than 200-300 calories. Excess sugar can decrease the time it takes for the water to leave your stomach, so that your body will not replace fluids faster. Your best approach? Enjoy a sports drink. You will consume a little sugar to fuel your muscle growth, but not enough to endanger rehydration.
For more information on the fastest growing in a plan and the means to moderate fat in your choice of the athlete or healthy food diet needs protein to grow. But what is enough? It is better protein? This nutrient needs special attention because you are physically active or muscle building. For the general form or strength development, extra protein beyond the recommended amount has no additional performance benefit, but may increase the weight.
Although the power of protein to grow bigger muscles and bigger, additional amounts are not your best fuel. Additional protein excess calories are stored as fat, and are not used for energy production. if you have consumed enough food energy to grow. For all those protein should provide 10 to 35 percent of total energy intake. Most athletes need only slightly more protein to grow than non-athletes. Because athletes often eat more easily get what they need.
For most amateur athletes, 0.5 to 0.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight is sufficient. (The upper end of the range of athletes participating in strength or speed training is recommended.) For a 150-pound athlete that there are about 75 to 115 grams of protein to grow every day ... and only 2 -4 ounces more meat, chicken or fish per day recommended for non-athletes. For reference, 3 ounces of lean meat supply about 30 grams of protein, 8 ounces of milk 8 grams of protein, and a slice of bread has 2 grams of protein or more.
Most athletes get enough protein and amino acids enough food to grow healthy. Protein-rich foods provide other nutrients, too; amino acid supplements for growing higher than the amino acid supply. Caution excess protein: extra protein is not stored in the body for future use as protein. Instead, it is either used as energy or stored as fat. A diet rich in protein can also be high in fat.
Sweat is water, with three known minerals and electrolytes: sodium, potassium and chloride. Among its many functions, help maintain electrolyte balance, a critical function of body water athletes. Also help muscles, including the heart, contract and relax muscle. And help transmit nerve impulses.
Taste the sweat on his upper lip. How salty it can be! As you sweat during the workout, the body loses a small amount of electrolytes, including sodium. Most athletes replace sodium and other electrolytes from the food you normally eat. The average American consumes more than enough sodium to replace sweat losses without additional sodium or salt tablets. When you sweat a lot, focus your attention on the extra fluids in place.
Endurance athletes are getting bigger and bigger muscles, who sweat a lot during long periods of time may be necessary to replace sodium and other electrolytes. Again salt tablets are not suitable; may cause irritation of the stomach, promote dehydration and affect the performance of the year. Instead, a sports drink with electrolytes or salty foods, such as crackers and cheese, probably offer enough. Sodium these sources can accelerate rehydration.
If athletes receive additional chrome? No, but misleading claims on chromium picolinate, a dietary supplement, raised the issue. No scientific evidence shows that taking a chromium supplement improves endurance, strengthens muscles, burn body fat, or prolongs youth. In addition, the role of chromium in your overall health is not well understood, but preliminary research suggests benefits for some people with diabetes or glucose intolerance. This is why you should always consider misleading claims on the internet to grow, in fact, there are many sites of interest on more and more, but most of them are scams.
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for iron is 18 milligrams per day for premenopausal women and 8 milligrams per day for men. Premenopausal women have a higher iron because iron losses in menstruation need. For adolescents is 15 milligrams of iron per day for women and 11 milligrams of iron for men. How much is too much? The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) is 45 milligrams of iron per day for fourteen years and older.
Getting enough iron can be a problem, especially if you are a woman trying to grow or grow muscles, or if most of your iron from plant foods such as legumes and cereals. Sources of iron in plants are not absorbed as effectively as animal sources. To improve iron absorption, eat these foods with foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus. Good sources include lean red meat, dark meat poultry, iron-fortified cereals, and legumes.
Even if you consume enough iron to grow, it is possible that the depletion of iron if you are involved in endurance sports. The prolonged exercise such as marathon and long distance cycling promotes iron loss. With more exercise you sweat more, losing some iron through sweating. Endurance athletes can lose iron through urine, feces and intestinal bleeding. If you are an endurance athlete trying to grow, have the status of your iron checked regularly by your doctor.
Unless prescribed by your doctor, do not take an iron supplement to grow. Note that iron supplementation is harmful to people with a genetic disease called hemochromatosis.
Calcium and weight lifting exercise: a winning combination for building and maintaining strong bones and healthy. Its purpose? To maximize your reserves of calcium early in life, and then maintain that level later in order to minimize the loss that comes with age.
Active women who consume several times very few calories to grow, perhaps due to eating disorders to meet your training needs may have their periods stop. For teenagers and young women, it is difficult to deposit calcium in the bones at a time when the bones should be developed to its maximum rate. Female athletes who have stopped menstruating are particularly at risk of developing stress fractures, decreased bone mineral density and other bone problems.
If intensive training causes "sports anemia"? Perhaps, in the early stages of formation. However, "sports anemia" is not really the anemia. Because blood volume increases during the first weeks of resistance training, the concentration of iron in the blood slightly diluted your body adapts to physical activity.
If you develop anemia sport, this is normal. It disappears once your training program is underway. With a capacity of resistance training of the blood to carry oxygen and improve athletic performance.
If you're a woman in love with your bones, "beware if your periods stop. Talk to your doctor. This is not a normal result of physical activity. Stress fractures caused by weakened bones can seriously affect your physical performance. And long-term impact on bone health: risk of osteoporosis increases. For bone health, your doctor may recommend a higher intake of calcium, or perhaps a calcium supplement to grow.
Unlike unscientific claims, there is probably no need vitamin or mineral supplements for sport if you are already well fed and getting higher. The "more" is not going to provide a boost of physical energy or added immediately or in the long-term benefits. Even if you are deficient in one or more nutrients, popping a pill dietary supplement just before physical activity has an immediate effect.