Weight training for the growth of muscle mass is largely based on scientific principles. You lift heavy, repeatedly, while supply is the amount of protein, generally give a predictable result. If you are on the thin side, work hard and eat right, you should be building muscle tissue. If not, then there is something wrong with the implementation of the process, not the process itself.
The muscle gain effective male involves three things you should do now in order to build muscle. These activities are:
1 heavy rail. After a brief warm-up, focusing on high repetition exercises volume / low in the large muscle groups will give the best results. How much weight is needed? Enough where you can not physically do more than 4-6 reps per set.
Excess weight and may suffer an injury. Too little weight and are not challenging your muscles enough to grow.
2 Eat well. In order for your body to build muscle tissue, you have to spend a lot of energy. Of course, the average person needs about 2000 calories per day. But in his quest to get bigger, you have to eat much more than that.
However, this is not a license to pig out on junk food. If you do a search on the diet bodybuilders successful, you will see in its extensive menu of chicken breasts, fish, brown rice, egg whites and fruit and vegetables. You have to worry about the quantity and quality when it comes to eating right to build muscle.
3 lots of rest. Many novice weightlifters have problems with that. They are so happy to see the results you overtrain their bodies and not give him the chance to re-grow muscle tissue. If you are lifting heavy, it will not work any muscle group more than twice a week.
You see, when you weigh now, you're breaking the muscle fibers. When you allow the body to rest (ie. Curarse), muscle fibers become not only growth, but grow back stronger and bigger than before. If the constant stress of a muscle and not allow it to heal, you'll never see results, no matter how you train.
Increased muscle male is simple, but difficult. That is, you know the key steps (heavy lifting, eating right and getting enough rest). That's the easy part. The challenge is having to put the keys in practice.
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